Cowboy Hats and Disciplemaking Cultures
Never underestimate the power of the environment you work in to gradually change who you are. Congregations create cultures. A congregation has a…
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Never underestimate the power of the environment you work in to gradually change who you are. Congregations create cultures. A congregation has a…
Jesus was both the Good Shepherd AND a Master Disciple Maker, yet most pastors shepherd without making disciples, why? Let’s dive into the differences…
What are the marks of an effective disciplemaking pathway? A disciplemaking pathway invites everyone to join the trail. Some are beginners, others have some experience, and some are skilled walkers who help others. Pathways take into account the spiritual maturity of people as they journey with Jesus.
David knew about leadership. David enjoyed great victories, but he also knew great challenges, some very tough ones that
My goal in discipling John was to help him become like Jesus so that he could help someone else do the same. So why did John think that I wanted him to act like me?
How do we include others those who’ve never experienced life-changing ministry? How do we become a church that matures as believers partner in prayer and accountability?
Fifty years of experience has taught me that failures lead to wisdom. So, I want to let you in on five disciplemaking missteps and failures I’ve made and what I’ve learned from them.
How Long Does It Take to Make a Disciple? It probably takes longer than you think, at least if you
We all know the adage “We’re better together.” Yet, all too often we as church leaders do it the American way. We do it alone. But there are…
I used to daydream about doing something different with my life. My ministry was mired in apathy. And I am a pastor! But through the ministry of NCM, I’ve discovered the key to excitement about ministry.