Making Disciples
Who Make Disciples
Want your church to be a place where people become disciples and then make disciples?
We’re here to help.
Our nationwide team of some 125 Navigator Representatives and many more Ministry Partners will come alongside you, train you, and introduce you to tested discipleship resources. We’ll equip you to work with people life-on-life, helping them grow from church attenders to laborers in the harvest. We’ll show you how to build a culture of disciplemaking, producing generations of disciples with untold impact on their world.
We do this through the three pathways below.
Culture Changers
Creating a disciplemaking culture isn’t about implementing a program. It’s about shifting mindsets. Through our biblically-grounded and time-tested process, we guide churches on the path to produce spiritual generations of disciples. Join us in this movement.
Growing Intentional Disciplemaking Cultures
We help pastors and church leaders move disciplemaking from a ministry of the few to the heart of a church's culture
Life & Leadership Coaching
Certified Coaches help leaders and laborers focus on the "Core 4" of Life Plan, Ministry Vision, Ministry Plan, and Priority Management
Everyday Disciplemakers
In the spirit of Jesus’ compassionate call to pray for “laborers in the harvest,” we help establish and equip ministry workers for exponential Kingdom impact
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Nothing Good Comes Easy: Building Daily Disciplines

Pastoring Pastors: Cultivating a Culture of Disciplemaking

Building Bridges
Let us know if you have any questions or are looking for ways to partner with us. Send us an email at or click on the button below.
We look forward to hearing from you!