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"I love the mission of Navigators Church Ministries. How could a follower of Christ not like it? Creating intentional disciplemaking communities has always been the heart of Christ for His people. The need has never been greater than today. I highly recommend the Church Ministries team and the process they use to help you make this mission a reality in your church."
"We have begun creating a process of discipleship at the church and have reorganized our leadership accordingly. Several intimate discipleship groups are meeting and lives are being changed for Christ . . . one at a time!"
"Navigators have provided us with biblically-based, time-tested leadership and coaching to help our 100 years "young" Lutheran Church become a disciplemaking church. These are exciting days for us. Just as Christ intends for His Church!"
"Partnering with Navigators NCM has been one of the best pastoral decisions over my almost 40 years as a pastor. Together we have helped to equip leaders and congregants locally and nationally with effective life-changing tools for discipleship and disciplemaking. I value the real relationships developed and their genuine concern for the Kingdom and the local church."
"Our church has worked fruitfully with Bill [our Navigator coach] for about two and a half years. I have particularly appreciated Bill’s insistence that we build a discipleship culture rather than simply offering discipleship programs. We’ve taken a slow, methodical approach but we are seeing results. We now have over 40 people involved in discipleship triads, helping to build a strong discipleship culture."