Grow Up!

How do we grow up in Christ?
We dodge the maturation process, choosing to avoid or blow up instead taking a new step. We get stuck by life’s challenges. We each face this truth: growing up is awkward, scary, and disorienting.
God’s Extravagant Gift

Over the next few minutes let’s unwrap God’s most extravagant gift to you. Stick with me, I’m not about to shower you with Christmas clichés, but rather I want to tell you about how God’s greatest gift is a reward for our sin.
Spiritual Reproduction Requires Intimacy with God

We know from proven research that disciple making is most effective when we start by…
Prayers for Embattled Leaders

David knew about leadership. David enjoyed great victories, but he also knew great challenges, some very tough ones that
Oops! Five Disciplemaking Missteps

Fifty years of experience has taught me that failures lead to wisdom. So, I want to let you in on five disciplemaking missteps and failures I’ve made and what I’ve learned from them.
Intensive Care Discipling

The intensive care process can bring both healing and blessing. The once stunted life is overflowing with God’s goodness on display, reflecting a transformed life.